Maia Rehabilitation Ltd

Healthcare Companies

Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PH  (Show me directions)

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MAIA Rehabilitation was established in 2008. Working on a national basis, MAIA Rehabilitation has associates in Leicester, London and the South East with its base in Bedford. For over 10 years, the company has been providing and managing therapies for clients who have received catastrophic injuries, such as amputations, brain and spinal injuries. Using its wealth of expertise, the company puts its teams of therapists and clinicians in place to rehabilitate clients.
Since its establishment, MAIA Rehabilitation's services have developed with the company's ever-expanding knowledge. Through its provision of occupational therapy intervention, rehabilitation and expert care reports across the country, MAIA Rehabilitation developed valuable knowledge of care and therapy practices and providers.
The company's expert team of case managers is highly experienced and versatile, using a professional yet friendly approach to offer innovative ideas for problem solving, recovery and progression. What's more, the company has established firm relationships with speech and language therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and physiotherapists across the whole of the UK. .MAIA Rehabilitation's expert team also includes Serious Injury Rehabilitation Specialists (SIRS), support workers who are specially trained in brain and spinal injury care and rehabilitation. Specialising in this area, MAIA Rehabilitation has recently developed a specific training program for SIRS.
These SIRS are trained by MAIA Rehabilitation's neuropsychologist, OT and physiotherapist, enabling them to offer confident support and assistance to clients who have suffered catastrophic spinal and brain injuries, helping them to attain the personal goals agreed with their case management team. The SIRS are dedicated to helping clients rebuild their lives and are an invaluable addition to a client's care team.

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